Each of us experiences moments where we feel like God has forgotten about it, or failed to show up in a time of need or desperation. When life doesn’t go the way we planned, our gut reaction is to blame God for not coming through. When we pray for God to save or protect us from something in life and it seems like He doesn’t, we instinctively withdraw and our faith suffers.

13700041_10153998064569145_4888678290995324281_nWe need to remember that God didn’t save Joseph FROM prison, He saved him IN prison. Just like He didn’t save Daniel FROM the lions’ den, He saved him IN the lions’ den. He didn’t save Shadrach, Mechach and Abednego FROM the furnace, He saved them IN the furnace. He didn’t save Jonah FROM the fish, He saved him IN the fish. He didn’t save Lazarus FROM the tomb, He saved him IN the tomb.

Many times God doesn’t save us from something, he saves us in something, so that when you come out on the other side, you say, “The only way this could’ve happened is that God showed up.”