For everyone else, here is a quick summary of where Jesus stands going into this election cycle:

  • Jesus loves people who favor stricter gun control.
  • Jesus loves people who oppose stricter gun control.
  • Jesus loves people who want to raise taxes.
  • Jesus loves people who want to lower taxes.
  • Jesus loves people who want to close our borders.
  • Jesus loves people who want to open them up.
  • Jesus loves people who are pro-life.
  • Jesus loves people who are pro-choice.
  • Jesus loves people who support Israel.
  • Jesus loves people who support Palestine.
  • Jesus loves people who favor broader definitions of marriage equality and same-sex unions.
  • Jesus loves people who are opposed to them.
  • Jesus loves people who want to see voting rights restored to people with felony records.
  • Jesus loves people who think that’s a bad idea.
  • Jesus loves people who call themselves Republicans…yes, even Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Mitch McConnell.
  • Jesus loves people who call themselves Democrats…yes, even Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi.
  • Jesus loves people who call themselves everything in between…yes, even Rand Paul.

Jesus doesn’t base his decision to love someone on his or her political views. He doesn’t qualify or disqualify anyone based on party affiliation, voting record, or personal political conviction.

Many Christians do more to push people away from Jesus than draw them to him during election years (or really anytime it comes to politics). But that’s not what God wants. What does he want?

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

If you really want to honor God, you’re better off praying for the candidate you disagree with than going off about them online or in conversation. They’ll never hear what you say anyway… but plenty of other people will. And there’s a good chance the way they view Jesus and the decisions they make about him will be filtered through how they view his people. If you’re a Christian, that should feel really heavy, because it is.

You can – and should – have convictions, beliefs, views, opinions… nothing wrong with that.

But the next time you post on social media or talk to someone about politics, remember… Jesus loves each and every person who will read what you write or hear what you say.

He loves all people. Even you. Even me. Let’s treat each other like we know that’s true.