Oct 16, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Vision, Youth Ministry
To be successful, every organization, church, or business needs a clearly defined mission and vision. (Tweet this) Without defined goals, processes, and systems, nothing can be measured or evaluated. No progress can be made. The challenge for leaders young and old is... Sep 11, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Ministry
You’ve done it. Sunday morning, you’re late. You’re rushing to get out to the door and get to church. In your haste, you cut yourself shaving. If you’re a man, you’ve cut your face. Women, you’ve cut your legs (or maybe your face…I mean, I don’t know your grooming... Sep 6, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Ministry, Vision
Everyone likes to win. No matter how you define it or what it means in your context, winning is the goal. No one likes or wants to lose. Naturally, success would seem like an exclusively positive thing. It feels good to succeed, especially when the odds aren’t in your... Aug 31, 2014 | Blog, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
I’ve been asked by three different people in the past two weeks what advice I have for someone who is tasked with starting a student ministry from scratch. It’s a frustrating, intimidating job. My advice is this: Pick a school district and make it your...