Aug 22, 2018 | Blog, Leadership, Life Hacks, Management, Productivity
If you and I sat down over coffee and compared “to do” lists, I’ll bet we’d have one thing in common more often than not: each of our lists would have a few items that have been on there for a while that we just never seem to get to. In my... Apr 24, 2015 | Blog, Design, Free Stuff, Graphic Design, Ministry, Resources, Student Ministry
I’m always looking for free or low-cost tools that can be easily implemented into our student ministry to save time, money, resources, and increase productivity. When I come across tools that are useful to our team, I love to pass them on. Here are five tools... Oct 29, 2014 | Blog, Leaders That Last (Blog Series), Leadership, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Self-Worth
Writer’s Note: Something I’m passionate about is helping leaders last in the positions of leadership God has given them. As a young leader I’ve learned a few lessons the hard way and I welcome the opportunity to share my experience with others to...