There is Always Hope

There is Always Hope

In his book, Hope for the Troubled Heart, Billy Graham tells the story of a man who was the only survivor of a shipwreck. He washed up on the shore of a remote island, completely alone. He managed to build a hut on the island for shelter, and he put everything he had...
Jesus’ Platform for the 2024 Election

Jesus’ Platform for the 2024 Election

DISCLAIMER: If you’re a Christian who is easily offended or triggered, I love you but please stop reading here and go watch this video of baby bunnies. For everyone else, here is a quick summary of where Jesus stands going into this election cycle: Jesus loves...
The Parable of Jack & Jill

The Parable of Jack & Jill

Most of us know the story of Jack and Jill really well. Maybe it’s a stretch to call it a parable – it’s a kid’s poem that dates back to the 18th century – but hear me out. Many of us learned it as a nursery rhyme when we were little kids. You know...
Six Principles to Make 2024 Your Best Year Ever

Six Principles to Make 2024 Your Best Year Ever

Here we are, closing out another year and just like the past few, this one has been a crazy ride. It’s safe to say that almost all of us have experienced some highs and lows this year. But for some of us, “high” and “low” just don’t...
Eat the Frog First

Eat the Frog First

If you and I sat down over coffee and compared “to do” lists, I’ll bet we’d have one thing in common more often than not: each of our lists would have a few items that have been on there for a while that we just never seem to get to. In my...