Nov 30, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ
What do Indian food and Syrian refugees have in common? I’ll tell you. I (mostly) love Indian food. There’s this buffet in Canton that I go to once in a while, and it’s the perfect way to eat Indian food. I can take as much chicken curry as I want,...
Apr 18, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Current Events, Life, News, Pain, Politics, Prayer
This is not a post about ISIS. I know the title would suggest differently, but this post isn’t about ISIS and it’s not about politics. See, I’ve been reading a lot about ISIS, and often when I read an article online I check out some of the reader...
Apr 17, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Ministry
Can I be honest with you? I absolutely can’t stand some of the cute little well-intentioned but poorly-executed phrases in the “Christian” vocabulary. I don’t know where so many of these catchphrases came from, but we need to lose a lot of...