Jun 27, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Self-Worth, Value
Six days. You would think that creating everything, literally everything, in only six days would be hard work. No time for union breaks with that kind of schedule. The universe, all of the galaxies in existence, including our own. Planets. Sun. Moon. Stars. Water. Dry... May 28, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Hostage (Blog Series), Life
Some of my favorite movies are revenge movies. “Punisher,” “Max Payne,” “A Man Apart,” “Out of Time,” pretty much all of the “Batman” movies, and on and on…there are thousands. Something about a story... May 17, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Pain, Worldview
I originally wrote this blog post in December of 2011. [bra_border_divider top=”15″ bottom=”15″] I don’t know if it’s the weather turning cold or the fact that the Cleveland Browns are terrible again this year, but lately I’ve... Apr 17, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Ministry
Can I be honest with you? I absolutely can’t stand some of the cute little well-intentioned but poorly-executed phrases in the “Christian” vocabulary. I don’t know where so many of these catchphrases came from, but we need to lose a lot of...