Oct 13, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Life, Self-Worth, Sermons, Video
Last Sunday at First Christian Church, I spoke about temptation and how Satan works to bring destruction in our lives. The message was based on Matthew 3:16-4:11. Here’s the video, as well as a few highlights and key thoughts from the message: Jesus... Jul 21, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Life, Sermons, Video
Our summer teaching series at FCC is a 10-week study through the book of John. I had the privilege to speak last weekend about light and darkness. Here’s the video: Jun 1, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Life, Self-Worth
As far back as I can remember, I’ve always had a very particular perception of Jesus. I don’t think my version of Jesus was shaped by any particular person or event more than any other. Just years and years of filtering and layering and processing that... Feb 24, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Self-Worth, Sermons, Video
I spoke at First Christian Church this past Sunday about God’s love that has overcome everything to draw us close. Here’s the video. By the way, this whole series was incredible. If you’d like to watch video from the other messages, you...