May 29, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Life, Pain
I know a guy, a pretty young guy, who is battling cancer. And the cancer is winning. I know a lot of people who have battled cancer, but something is different about this one particular guy I know, even though I can’t explain what it is. I don’t even... Sep 15, 2014 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life
I just got off the phone with a guy who got some devastating news today. He just found out that his dad has inoperable brain cancer and probably only has 4-6 weeks to live. As soon as I picked up the phone, I knew something was wrong. I don’t know this guy well at... Jul 15, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Pain
A few years ago I read through the entire book of Psalms. I hit Psalm 13 and it hit back. I was in the middle of a very hard time, and I was pretty stressed. I was quickly reaching my limits and I knew it. Then I read the first verse of Psalm 13. “Oh Lord, how...