Nov 5, 2014 | Blog, Leadership, Leadership, Ministry, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
The responsibility of teaching is one that should never be taken lightly. Every time I speak to or teach my students or any other group, I make the following promises: I will always be honest. I won’t sugarcoat the facts or shy away from the truth. I won’t...
May 30, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Hostage (Blog Series), Leadership, Life, Ministry, Pain
“You aren’t good enough.” “You’ve made too many mistakes” “No one will love you.” “You’re hopeless.” “You can’t climb out of the mess you’ve created.” “No one cares.”...
May 28, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Hostage (Blog Series), Life
Some of my favorite movies are revenge movies. “Punisher,” “Max Payne,” “A Man Apart,” “Out of Time,” pretty much all of the “Batman” movies, and on and on…there are thousands. Something about a story...
May 27, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Current Events, Following Christ, Hostage (Blog Series), Life, Pain
A few weeks ago, our entire region (and most of the country) was captivated by the news that three women who had been missing for years had been found in a basement in Cleveland. (Even if you weren’t captivated by that news, I guarantee the related, autotuned...