Jul 21, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Life, Sermons, Video
Our summer teaching series at FCC is a 10-week study through the book of John. I had the privilege to speak last weekend about light and darkness. Here’s the video: Oct 10, 2014 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Pain, Prayer, Self-Worth, Self-Worth
The first time I dreamed that I was drowning, I was actually surprised to wake up. It was so real and so vivid that I actually believed that I was dying. I don’t know if you’ve ever dreamt you were drowning, but it’s terrifying. I was even more... Jul 15, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Pain
A few years ago I read through the entire book of Psalms. I hit Psalm 13 and it hit back. I was in the middle of a very hard time, and I was pretty stressed. I was quickly reaching my limits and I knew it. Then I read the first verse of Psalm 13. “Oh Lord, how... Jul 11, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Self-Worth, Value
Thousands of years ago, merchants and gypsies would travel from one marketplace to another carrying goods that they would sell for a living. The roads in those days, where there were roads, were rough. Long before the Roman road system that revolutionized... May 28, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Hostage (Blog Series), Life
Some of my favorite movies are revenge movies. “Punisher,” “Max Payne,” “A Man Apart,” “Out of Time,” pretty much all of the “Batman” movies, and on and on…there are thousands. Something about a story...