Oct 13, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Life, Self-Worth, Sermons, Video
Last Sunday at First Christian Church, I spoke about temptation and how Satan works to bring destruction in our lives. The message was based on Matthew 3:16-4:11. Here’s the video, as well as a few highlights and key thoughts from the message: Jesus... Feb 24, 2015 | Blog, Christianity, Faith, Following Christ, Self-Worth, Sermons, Video
I spoke at First Christian Church this past Sunday about God’s love that has overcome everything to draw us close. Here’s the video. By the way, this whole series was incredible. If you’d like to watch video from the other messages, you... Oct 22, 2014 | Blog, Following Christ, Life, Ministry, Pain, Self-Worth, Self-Worth, Value
Last weekend I had the privilege of speaking at First Christian Church. It was the third installment in a series called “Pursued,” all about realizing that God doesn’t give up on us, and He doesn’t chase us to punish us, but He pursues us... Jul 15, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Following Christ, Life, Pain
A few years ago I read through the entire book of Psalms. I hit Psalm 13 and it hit back. I was in the middle of a very hard time, and I was pretty stressed. I was quickly reaching my limits and I knew it. Then I read the first verse of Psalm 13. “Oh Lord, how... Jul 2, 2013 | Blog, Christianity, Current Events, Following Christ, Leadership, Life, Ministry, Vision, Worldview
There’s a big fad going around right now, that started in the “cool, rad, hipster church” scene that God doesn’t want you to be religious. WHAT THEY’RE TRYING TO SAY: God doesn’t want you to be so worried about rules and...